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120 Results Found

Health Equity Grant Program

Safe, equitable and high quality health care for all is the common goal of an innovative partnership between the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL). To spread this initiative to support underserved communities throughout Illinois, a new partnership grant program was launched in 2020 to help hospitals and health systems expand services related to maternal and child health, pediatric asthma, adult diabetes, breast cancer and geographic disparities, including access to care in rural communities.

Transforming the Approach to Health Equity

For March 2021, some communities are launching the Transgender Month of Action for Healthcare Equality. The month, specifically focused on the health care needs of transgender and gender non-conforming people, aims to address barriers and areas for growth and highlight victories.

A Path to Equity for Rural Health

Right before the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) convened more than 65 leaders, trustees and clinicians from rural hospitals across the country at AHA’s annual Rural Conference. We inquired about strategies for health equity in rural communities, as well as these communities’ most common areas of disparity or need.

Spotlight: OSF Medical Center Building Better Connections to Improve Health Equity for Breast Cancer Prevention

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Thoughts on World AIDS Day 2020 and COVID-19

World AIDS Day 2020 is unlike any other as the global COVID-19 pandemic continues. Many living with HIV have questions on whether they are at increased risk of serious health issues. Helpful resource links are included in this blog post.

Why Collect Race, Ethnicity and Primary Language

A clear need exists to document and improve the quality of care provided to vulnerable populations. Data to track these disparities and develop effective programs to reduce and eliminate them is beneficial.

Diversity Spotlight

The Diversity Spotlight celebrates the accomplishments of our members, health care leaders and other diversity champions.  

Honoring Dedication and Innovation: The 2020 Equity of Care Award Winners

Three hospitals and health systems are recognized for earning 2020 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Awards.

Advancing Health for LGBTQ Communities

Dr. Carl G. Streed Jr., M.D. discusses his personal mission to advance health care for LGBTQ communities.

Spotlight Feature: Listening to Your Community’s Health Care Needs to Ensure a Brighter Future

In this Spotlight Feature interview, Haley Urish, RN and patient care coordinator at Passavant along with Sarah Karraker, LCSW and Passavant’s manager of quality safety & operations improvement, discuss program goals for helping the youngest patients in the hospital’s surrounding community.