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35 Results Found

Aligning Payers and Partners for Value-based Care

As value-based care models grow, hospitals, providers and payers need to align goals and incentives to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs.

Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) Aug.

CMS’ Hospital Inpatient PPS Final Rule for FY 2025

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Aug. 1 issued its hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS) and long-term care hospital (LTCH) PPS final rule for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

Hospital Outpatient Department (HOPD) Costs Higher than Physician Offices Due to Additional Capabilities, Regulations

Find the best hopd healthcare services near you with our comprehensive directory of top-rated hospitals and physician offices.

3 Keys for Hospitals to Achieve Sustainable Financial Stability

C-suite executives will need to realize cost reductions of 15% to 20% by 2030 to create a foundation for long-term financial sustainability, a new Oliver Wyman analysis suggests.

Maryland program for specialist physicians reports initial Medicare savings

The voluntary Episode Quality Improvement Program for specialist physicians saved Medicare $20 million in its first year, the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission

Navigating Value-based Payment

In the 14 years since passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and 9 years since the passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), there have been numerous programs developed by Medicare, states and commercial payers to support the movement to outcomes or value-based reimbursement.

Capitated and Global Budget Models

At the upstream end of the value-based payment spectrum, organizations can assume full risk for a population through capitated payments, global budgets, and provider led insurance plans.

Panel considers potential changes to home health model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Dec.