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Contact Your Lawmakers and Urge Them to Extend Key Health Care Policies Set to Expire Next Month
Please ask your senators and representatives to prevent Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payment cuts from taking effect; extend enhanced low-volume adjustment and Medicare-dependent hospital programs that expand access to care in rural areas; and extend telehealth and hospital-at-home waivers.
Advocacy Issue: Hospital-at-Home Waivers
The hospital-at-home (H@H) model — where patients receive acute-level care in their homes, rather than in a hospital — has emerged as an innovative and promising approach to providing high-quality care to patients in the comfort of their homes. Congressional action is needed to extend the waivers for this program, which are set to expire March 31, 2025.
Fact Sheet: Extending the Hospital-at-Home Program
The AHA supports the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act (H.R. 8260/S. 4350) introduced in the House by Representatives Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, and Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., and in the Senate by Senators Tom Carper, D-Del., and Tim Scott, R-S.C. The bill extends the H@H waiver for five years through the end of 2029.
Congress Passes Bill Funding Government at Current Levels into March, Extending Key Health Care Provisions to Expire
The House by a vote of 366-34 Dec. 20 passed the American Relief Act (H.R. 10545), a bill to fund the government through March 14, 2025,
House Passes Bill Funding Government at Current Levels into March, Extending Key Health Care Provisions Due to Expire at End of Year
The AHA appreciates the bipartisan effort to fund the government and extend these critical health care policies for three months to support hospitals’ efforts to care for patients and communities.
Hospital-at-home enable some patients who need acute-level care to receive care in their homes, rather than in a hospital. This care delivery model has been shown to reduce costs, improve outcomes and enhance the patient experience.
The Future of Health System-Based Cancer Care
Costly innovative cancer treatments and technologies, organizational alignments and shifting sites of care are changing the way care is delivered.
AHA Asks Congressional Leadership to Fund Hospitals, Protect Health Care Workers
Before the lame-duck session ends and the 118th Congress adjourns, it is essential that federal lawmakers understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face and what is at stake for the patients and communities they represent.
Speaking Up for Priorities That Will Help Hospitals Advance Health for Patients and Communities
It is important to use the August recess that begins next week as an opportunity to engage senators and representatives while they are back home. It is critical for federal lawmakers to understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face.
ACTION NEEDED: Talk to Lawmakers this August on Important Issues Facing Hospitals and Health Systems
Lawmakers need to hear how congressional support is necessary to ensure hospitals can provide the 24/7 access to care patients and communities depend on.