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119 Results Found

Equity Transformation Partner Application

The AHA Equity Transformation Partners (ETP) program is available to highly reputable, qualified service providers in the diversity and health equity space.

Institute for Diversity and Health Equity Webinars

Diversity Dialogue Webinars are one of the most popular programs in which a different nationally-renowned speaker discusses a topic of pressing concern in health care. While enjoying the audio presentation, attendees log in via a computer and view the accompanying slideshow presentation.

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Staff Training

The training should provide information about why it is important to collect these data, how to collect data, and how to answer questions or address concerns from patients.

IFDHE Equity of Care Participating Organizations

These national organizations will collaborate on national health care disparities improvement efforts and provide hospitals, clinicians and educators the tools needed to address the challenge.

AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference Offers Actionable Strategies, Thoughtful Insights and Tested Strategies to Advance Rural Health

In a new location for 2024, the 37th Annual AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, will be held Feb. 11-14 in Orlando, Fla. The conference brings together senior executives, physician leaders, trustees and nurse executives from the nation's leading rural hospitals and health systems to share powerful insights and strategies to transform rural health care delivery and business practices.

The Health Equity Roadmap: One Year Later

In March 2022, the Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) launched the Health Equity Roadmap, a national framework to advance health equity in hospi

How to Use the AHA Disparities Toolkit

This section provides information about the Toolkit's design and contents.

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Informing and Engaging the Community

Collaboration can help you better align resources with needs, reduce competition, increase effectiveness, and make your results more sustainable.

Standing for 10,000


Who Should Use the AHA Disparities Toolkit

This page provides targeted information on the toolkit for a specific audience or stakeholder.