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121 Results Found

Improvement in Safety Culture Linked to Better Patient and Staff Outcomes

Report shows hospitals outperform pre-pandemic levels, boosting patient safety, care experience and workforce resilience.

Upcoming Member Meet Ups & Networking Opportunities

SHSMD's Member Meet Ups provide our members with opportunities to connect, discuss, and solve real world problems affecting the health care industry today.

TrendWatch Chartbook Archives

Download TrendWatch Chartbook archives from 2000-last year.

Trendwatch Chartbook

TrendWatch Chartbook analyzes the latest in hospital and health system trends. It is produced by the AHA. Charts will be updated annually as new data become available. The last update was August 30, 2022.

Resources for Hospital Business Partners

Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most to hospital and health system business partners.

SHSMD Rising Stars

T​​​​he SHSMD Rising Star recognition recognizes health care strategy professionals under the age of 40 who have demonstrated outstanding promise in their respective fields. This recognition shines a spotlight on SHSMD members who have made or are on their way to making significant contributions to their profession and the SHSMD membership.

Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top

Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.

How Hospitals Can Make the Best Use of Social Media

Discover how hospitals can effectively utilize social media to engage with patients and communities. Learn more about the benefits and strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Trustee Trends in 2024: New Twists to Familiar Challenges

This article from AHA’s Trustee Services speaks to the major trends we expect will affect hospital and health system trustees in 2024 and beyond.