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173 Results Found

Successful Strategic Planning: The Board Role

Trustee Articles
This monograph covers the basics of strategic planning, including definitions of common terms, a description of the planning process and the characteristics of successful plans. It describes the board’s role in planning, including why plans fail, common weaknesses and how boards can support successful plan implementation.

Strategy and Competency Self Assessment

Evaluations and Assessments
The American Hospital Association’s report, Hospitals and Care System of the Future, describes a series of “must do” strategies and future core competencies hospitals will need as they transform themselves from first curve to second curve delivery systems, driven by a shift from volume-driven to value-driven payment systems.

Someone to Lean On

Trustee Articles
Health care CEOs may need a little help. How about hiring a chief of staff?

Sample Strategic Planning Policy

Board Policies
See the attached sample strategic planning policy.

Sample Performance Standards for Evaluating Annual Incentive Plans

Evaluations and Assessments
As health care organizations face a number of emerging challenges, the compensation committee of the not-for- profit hospital and health system board is well served to review and update the executive compensation program periodically.

Sample Governance Dashboard for Monitoring Executive Compensation Programs

By tracking outcomes, the committee can ensure that the program operates consistently with the established philosophy and that areas requiring attention are readily identified. When combined with comprehensive tally sheets and affirmation that all executive compensation arrangements are fully disclosed to the committee, there is a comprehensive baseline underlying the committee’s deliberations.

Revisiting the Mission

Trustee Articles
Recently, I sat in a board meeting of a leading U.S. health system as trustees were discussing their strategic vision for the system, and how the rapidly changing health care field, marketplace and regulations were having a profound impact on its future.

Planning for the Day after Tomorrow

Board-led strategic planning provides an organizational roadmap.

Philanthropy and Strategic Direction

Trustee Articles
Executives, trustees and physicians should be the leading advocates of philanthropy.