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26 Results Found

HHS: 45M enrolled in coverage through ACA Marketplace, Medicaid expansion

Over 21.4 million Americans selected or were automatically re-enrolled in 2024 Marketplace coverage, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported March 22, up slightly from the 21.3 million reported in January.

HHS: Marketplace enrollment up, premiums down after tax credit in 2022

The average monthly premium for consumers receiving an advance premium tax credit was $133, down from $164 in 2021.

CMS says nearly 988,000 have enrolled for new Marketplace coverage

Approximately 988,000 consumers who currently do not have health insurance coverage through the individual marketplace have signed up for a 2025 health plan through the federally facilitated Health

CMS: Over 496,000 have signed up for new Marketplace coverage

More than 496,900 consumers who currently do not have health insurance coverage have signed up for a 2025 health plan through the federally facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace, the Centers for

AHA Comments to CMS on Financial Assistance Program Navigators

AHA response to CMS's request for comment on how navigators and non-navigator assistance personnel working within hospitals and health systems may help consumers access financial assistance programs to help pay for health care services.

Court narrows district court injunction of ACA preventative services requirement

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit June 21 partially affirmed the district court judgment that the Preventative Services Task Force charged with determining coverage of certain preventative services was unconstitutional, as well as the grant of injunctive relief for the plaintiffs in the case.

Amicus Brief: AHA Urges 5th Circuit to Maintain Cost-Free Access to ACA Preventive Services

A friend-of-the-court brief filed with the Federation of American Hospitals, Catholic Health Association of the United States, America’s Essential Hospitals, and Association of American Medical Colleges urging the 5th Circuit to maintain cost-free access to ACA preventive services.

AHA, Others Amicus Brief in Braidwood Management, Inc., v. Xavier Becerra

The AHA, joined by the Federation of American Hospitals, Catholic Health Association of the United States, America’s Essential Hospitals, and Association of American Medical Colleges, urges the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit to keep in place pending appeal an Affordable Care Act requirement that most health plans cover certain preventive services without cost sharing.

13 Years After the ACA: Modernizing the Health Care Laws to Meet Changing Needs

Some of the most impactful laws passed in our country have needed to be revisited and fine-tuned to remain relevant to peoples’ lives.

AHA Statement on Biden Administration Rule to Make Coverage More Affordable by Fixing the Family Glitch

All Americans deserve access to comprehensive health care and coverage. We can get there by building on the Affordable Care Act. Hospitals and health systems strongly support the Biden Administration’s efforts to help more Americans secure affordable health insurance by proposing to eliminate the “family glitch.